What everyone wants from life is continuous and genuine happiness. So Smile. It makes us feel happier.
Sunday, February 18, 2007
Happy Chinese New Year!
I was splendid, I was fun. A day really worth remembering.
A new beginning. A fresh start. 2007 has commerced in an extremely nice way.
Early in the morning, we went visiting Uncle and Auntie Zhong. It was real entertaining hearing Uncle Zhong reciting his daily activities. One and a half years back, he retired. That was the beginning of his adventurous life. He actually ran around, climbing hills and trees, in search of bananas. He planted vegetables all over the place, which he called it his terrority. Well, he even dig a whole in the ground to store water. He felt so amazed and happy in finding fishes and crabs in there a month after that.
He got three bikes, each has its own different purpose. The surprising thing is that he did not buy those on his own. Like a teenager filled with zest, he found fun riding around on slanted slope in a circular motion! He actually loved it. In addition, he went fishing, not with a rod but a net! At one time, he actually caught 21 crabs. Envy. ^^
He invited us into his store room and found bunches of bananas hanging down from the roof top. That was his harvest. He was really proud of it! we too got a taste of his joy. Two bunches of bananas home.
Later, we went roaming in the car from yio chu kang to jurong west. On the way, we stopped by NTU. The infrastruture was much better than NUS I thought. The roof of one building was actually a slope covered with carpet grass. The front garden was much nicer. Interesting, we even met heaven god here. There was a crane walking leisurely across the road under the bright sunlight. Well, we actually braked and allowed it to stroll pass. It was so cute.
Afterwards, we got bumping into Juring point. As usual, we have our lunch at pizza hut. Daddy decided to watch a movie then. However, we had to wait for around 2 hours. Yup, that was long, remembering that all shops are closed today. Yup, so I pulled them into the arcade. We played the basketball machine, the matching maching, I danced and tried to grab a sweet from some "money eating" machine.
Time passed real quickly and we found ourselves watching THE GHOST RIDER. The funny thing was that it rained half way through. Water dripped and dripped onto us. That was GV cinema!
Home and dinner.
More TV>>>>
Monday, February 12, 2007
Romoe and Juliet
My idol in action again.
Cyril Niccolai playing as Benvolio in Romeo and Juliet. Currently, the musical is held in South Korea, Seoul. Can't wait for them to come to Singapore.
Cyril Niccolai. (first from the right). Love him!
Kings of the world (Les rois du monde)
Romeo, Benvolio, Mercutio:
R: Les rois du monde vivent au sommet The kings of the world live at the top
Ils ont la plus belle vue mais y a un mais They have the most beautiful sight but has one there but
Ils ne savent pas ce qu'on pense d'eux en bas They do not know what one low thinks of them of
Ils ne savent pas qu'ici c'est nous les rois They do not know that here it is us the kings
B: Les rois du monde font tout ce qu'ils veulent The kings of the world do all that they want
Ils ont du monde autour d'eux mais ils sont seuls They have world around them but they are alone
Dans leurs châteaux là-haut, ils s'ennuient In their castles up there, they are bored
Pendant qu'en bas nous on danse toute la nuit While in bottom us one dances all during the night
Nous on fait l'amour on vit la vie Us one makes love one saw the life
Jour après jour nuit après nuit Day after day harms after night
A quoi ça sert d'être sur la terre With what that is used to be on the ground
Si c'est pour faire nos vies à genoux If is to make our lives with knees
On sait que le temps c'est comme le vent It is known that time it is like the wind
De vivre y a que ça d'important Of living there has that that of important
On se fout pas mal de la morale One fout not badly of morals
On sait bien qu'on fait pas de mal It is known well that one does not make evil
M: Les rois du monde ont peur de tout The kings of the world are afraid of all
C'est qu'ils confondent les chiens et les loups It is that they confuse the dogs and the wolves
Ils font des pièges où ils tomberont un jour They make traps where they will fall one day
Ils se protègent de tout même de l'amour They are protected from even from the love
R and b: Les rois du monde se battent entre eux the kings of the world fight between them
C'est qu'y a de la place, mais pour un pas pour deux It is that y has place, but for a step for two
Et nous en bas leur guerre on la fera pas And us of low their war one will not do it
On sait même pas pourquoi tout ça c'est jeux de rois One does not even know why all that they is sets of kings
{with the Refrain}…
First day of Work.
Happy am I.
I learnt how to operate the IF, Shortwave, Traction machines... ...
Sunday, February 11, 2007
This is fun, try it!
By the way, I am starting to work as a physiotherapy assistant officially next week. Was down with sore throat and fever this few days. It hurts, though I got better today.
Last week, I finally got myself bumping around the wards. It was really an eye-opener, I saw many different scenarios. Gruesome, pathetic, hilarious.
One Uncle in bed asked me the reason to his shrinking muscle, he was totally afraid that his muscle will be separated from his bones. Obviously, he is not aware of the existence of tendons.
Another Indian lady got a tube inserted into her knee. She had just finished an operation (total knee replacement) a day ago, the tube was to drain out any water that was used to wash the wound.
I had a chance to see a physiotherapy performing a chest 'massage' and suction on a bed- bound patient. I got myself wrapped in mask, apron and gloves and helping to stretch out his tense-up muscles. Flames were spurting out from his mouth. I was momentarily amused and the physio thought I was in shock.
Another had a fixation on his shin bone; metal gadgets are sticking out all over his leg. We got to teach him to stand. Manage to get him upright for a few minutes. Success.
I met a lot Uncles and Aunties that are oblivious of what you are doing. They do not listen and you got to "shout" at them. Though some of them are like cute little children.
The other day I went to the FLC (foot and limb centre), I got a feel of treating amputee patients. It requires loads of patience. They always have problem with their artificial limbs, feeling pain and tired out really easily. I manage to get myself in the lab where the cast and the legs are made. Real interesting.
Somewhere in January, I joined my friend having attachment over at the radiology site. Asked the doc and got myself into the operation room. This patient was having a big pus in his liver. A tube with a needle guiding it was inserted into his vein at the chest area. Tomato-sauce like substance flowed out. Hmm. The process was that real smooth anyway, the doc inserted the tube 5 times before it was successful. Moreover, the doc failed to cut open the patient's skin using a penknife and resorted to using a scissors.
There are really many patients that I had met. Many having chronic back and neck problem, some of them having fractures all over, other having some tendons inflammation. (arthritis)
Tan Tock Seng is a cool place. It opens up the opportunities for me, to see, to feel and to understand. Thank You. :)
P.S. I got myself acting as a patient which is going to be shown in international Channel New.
Aisa. I am the one on the wobble board and the arm ego. :)
Indeed, I have enjoyed myself.