Wednesday, February 25, 2009


側田 - 感動

人浮遊在世不止自己 才令我一生好奇
尋求被愛的滋味 終於碰倒你
全賴你 我先欣賞自己 權力與金錢怎麼可媲美
誰攔截也擋不住 我在行近你

如何能讓我觸動你 如何描述可感動到你
要與你抱擁相戀一世紀 從來沒在乎你美與不美

是永不更改 我願意給你愛 風霜都替你遮蓋
你會看清楚 和了解我 未被人潮掩蓋
若你不安心 我做你的浮台 沖不散對你的愛
世界有色彩 憑這點愛 可否捉緊我齊齊來跨過 小障礙

誰願意作假討好大家 情願兩口子喝茶
平凡地並肩生活 比一切優雅
難道愛簡單都不能嗎 難道我感情要給規管嗎
從前沒你的生命 似靈魂腐化

如何能讓我感動你 明明沉睡都可望倒你
到老了也許通通不記起 能同揩白頭我太有福氣

願永不更改 每日獻給你愛 風霜都替你遮蓋
你會看清楚 和了解我 未被人潮掩蓋
若你不安心 我做你的浮台 沖不散對你的愛
世界有色彩 憑這點愛 雙手一觸碰 問你愛不愛

^^朋友们, 你们是否正在被感動之中?好甜蜜好甜蜜的MV.

Sunday, February 22, 2009


I love nights like this. Chatting over the phone in the presence of my roomie. Yet, time like this doesn't really last long. In the middle of the night, she left and I was left alone. Strangely, some things just started stirring my heart. I start to miss all of you again. I am used to being alone but in nights like this, I long for a company. To get me through my study nights and listen to my groans and signs.

But now, I need to get back to reality fast and stop wasting time!!!! EXERCISE SCIENCE test tomorrow! Jia you and Good luck. :)

Me with Pilates tower reformer... :)

Random me :P

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day...

I chose to spend my valentine's day alone, maybe, for a reason. My beloveds are all located round the globe. So blessed that I managed to have a good chat with them today. Love seriously had no boundaries, doesn't it?
Brother, Mummy, Daddy and someone I come to know so well...
Not forgetting my bestie Pupu loving message...
Thanks for making a simple day like this so memorable...

Some things just go beyond the description of words...

Sweet Valentine's MOnkey... ^^

Other side of me...

Nowadays, I have been failing to adhere to my Pilates routine...
Took a picture of my inflexibility (relative to the professionals.:p) I need 2 full months of determination to achieve a full split! I need resilience!!!

Me after an exhausted workout in my room...
--smiling due to endorphins drive :D haha.

Me with my dear Nike Pilates mat

In the next 0.5-1 years
Do a full split/ 180 vertical kick

In the next 2 months...
Complete 5 Corkscrew without suffering from backache
Hold in a Teaser position for at least 1 min
Perform swimming for 1 min without fatigue
Learn how to do a proper Boomerang

Proceed to Swan Dive advance after completion...

Striving to be a Pilates instructor with a Pilates body.. :)

In sch...
1. Begin on my training log for Exercise Science
2. Start revising on my weakest subject, Neurology!!! ><
3. Start preparing for the test at the end of the month
4. Find time to complete on my systematic review assignment
5. Remember to organize for interview with patient

In life...

1. Spare time for catching up with family and friends
2. Eat healthy
3. :D :D :D



P.S. Hope I won't become PandaLau following my plan (and when you're back!)! Strive to remain as a cheerful and energetic MonkeyLau! ^^ Hugs and kisses..

"Physical fitness is the first prerequisite of happiness" J.H. Pilates (1880-1967)

Friday, February 13, 2009

My Fittness Level

Bruce Protocol Maximal Treadmill Test

Bruce protocol involves a change in speed and grade of the treadmill every 3 minutes.
1. Warm up on treadmill at 0% gradient and a speed of 1mph for 3 mins.
2. Start test with a 10% grade incline at 1.7mph.
3. Increase grade to 12% and speed to 2.5mph after 3 minutes

Continue increasing the workloads every 3 minutes until subject reaches exhaustion or reaches 85% of the predicted max heart rate.

The following is my result! ^^
Date: 10/02/09
Finished Stage 05 ending at 11 mins and 58 sec. (limited by my calf strength ><)
Speed: 8.05km/hr with a gradient of 18%.
Anaerobic metabolism comes in the 9 mins.
VO2 reaches the maximal at around 10 mins.
Maximal Heart rate reached: 196 ^^

Simon smiling at me!!!
--My lecturer Simon was showing me the cutie V signs but I missed the shot! Here is just a pic of him smiling. :)

Anaerobic cycling test (Wingate Bike test)
Relative peak anaerobic peak power: 5.73W/kg
--- only girl that passed 5.0 in my group! :D (av. was around 3.0?)

Thursday, February 05, 2009


沁: 我喜歡妳的眼神 溫柔又危險
   請不要戴上眼鏡 我會看不見
   想要張開雙手 把妳寶貝
   想和妳天天見面 想帶妳環遊世界
飛: 我喜歡你愛逞強 笨笨的笑臉
   在心中抬頭挺胸 堅定的信念
   這個遼闊世界 不夠完美
   但有了你在我身邊 什麼都很ok
合: 第一個心願 為你 把幸福堆積
   天涯到海角 頭髮到呼吸
   下一個心願 給你 最好的自己
   再許個心願 我的愛把你佔領
沁: 為什麼為了小事 就要掉眼淚
   好像有太多的事 只能自己揹
   現在就立刻馬上 變成你的superman
飛: 這世上最重要的 不只是誓言
   只要你常常記得 親親我的臉
   我會永遠 記得這個今天
   還有很久的那一天 我也

個人很喜歡这首歌!!! 其实,真的很希望有喜歡的人带我環遊世界啊。。。 。。。

2009 年万岁!!!
It's really time to start on some hard work. :) Jia you to all out there! :)

Set a goal. Make a wish. Your dream might come true. :)

P.S. Busy schedule has really commenced and I might not be blogging for some time. Stay happy and smiles to all my readers. :)

Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Eva and John's wedding

My Grandpa's best friend son wedding...
Photos for Mummy..:D heeheee...


Today is Mummy's Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY birthday lo!
Kisses x 10000000000000000000000!!!!
Hugs x 10000000000000000000000000000000000!!!!!!!!!!

May Penguin Mummy get healthier and slimmer and happier! :D

Pics taken on Mummy Lunar new year when I am back in Singapore!!!
After I failed to buy a birthday cake from the bakery in the early morning, I came out with something creative. Gingerman on two small cakes!!! :D

Mummy is just tooo cute!!!!!!!!
Hope you stay as happy as ever!!!

Love Mummy! ^^

P.S. I am so happy today! I packed my stuffs, re-arranged my mind and I am clear on what I am going to do. As psychology class has taught me today, sometimes, we are all clear on what we are going to do, we just need re-assurance. Indeed, I was in the need of it. Thanks, brother.