Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Time to destress! n thennn Chiong again...

Somethings to destress during exam period.
Everyone is studying so hard. 5 more exams to come. Jia you!

Exam Timetable

Tue: PPTP(prinicple of physio practice) theory pp
Wed: Physiology Written exam (40 MCQ + 4 essays)
Thurs: PPTP practical exam (Ambulation, transfer, MMT/ROM/ex of UL and trunk)
Fri: Generic Anatomy (100 MCQ + 100 fill in the blanks)
Nxt Tue: Functional Anatomy (MCQ + 5 problem based essay qns)
Nxt Thurs: Functional Anatomy Lab Exam (100 Qns)
Nxt Friday:Back to Tanah Merah Kechil.:D

Great stress! Huge amount of energy, brain power, determination and resilience needed. The worst is yet to come.

This is sooo cute!!! I learnt how to draw Doraemon since I was Primary 6!!!! It's like one of my symbol!

Another version of the word F**K! Soo fun! Well, it can use for easy learning of English!

Last lesson of PPTP, ending with the trunk! We have finally learnt the exercises, ROM, MMT of the whole body! Practical exam on Thurs!!! :P. Everyone is so not paying attention. I feel that Shirley should be more strict like Dora. Student, afterall, needs some control. :D

I wanna go sing now!!!!!

The following are the keywords for the chapter on Nervous System for Generic Anatomy. Understand and know how to spell them all. There are 13 more chapters to go. PT students, JIA YOU lo!

The Nervous System

1) Locomotion, conduction, reflexes (involuntary)
2) Medullary cone:S1-S2
3) Cauda equine: L5-S2
4) Denticulate ligament
5) Ventral, dorsal, lateral horn, central canal, gray commissure
6) Ventral, dorsal, lateral column (funiculi)
7) Dorsal root ganglion: somtosensory neuron
8) Ascending tract:
9) Dorsal column: Cuneate fasisculus, Gracile fasisculus;
10) Ventral,Dorsal spinocerebellar tracts;
11) Anterolateral system: spinothalamic tract, spinovesticular tract
12) Descending tract:
13) Lateral, ventral corticospinal tract
14) Lateral, medial reticulospinal tract
15) Lateral, medial vestibulospinal tract
16) Nerves - endoneurium –perineurium- epineurium
17) 31 pairs of spinal nerves
18) Proximal branches: dorsal, ventral roots
19) Distal branches: dorsal, ventral ramus; meningeal branches
20) Ventral rami branches/ anastomoses: Cervical, brachial, lumbar, sacral, coccygeal plexus
21) Reflex arch:
22) Somatic receptors- afferent n. fibres-integrating centre- efferent n. fibres- skeletal muscle
23) Paraplegia
24) Quadriplegia
25) Hemiplegia
26) Cerebrum: longitudinal fissure; frontal, parietal, occipital lobe; Central,lateral sulcus; gyri; cerebellar hemisphere
27) Insula – corresponding function?
28) Rostral/ caudal
29) Brainstem
30) Gray matter: Superficial, cortex, nuclei, dendrites, synapse, neurons cell bodies
31) White matter: Deep, bundles of axons(tract), myelinated
32) Periosteal, meningeal layer; dural sinus: tranverse, superior sagittal sinus; falx cerebri, tectorium cerebelli, falx cerebelli; arachnoid matter, pia matter
33) Basal nuclei – motor learning- deep n lateral to the thalamus
34) Brain centres : (Can Pass Gp) Caudate nucleus, Putamen, Globus pallidus
35) Limbic system: Cingulate gyrus, Amygdala, Hippocampus – emotion, learning, gratification,aversion
36) Post central gyrus: Primary somesthetic area
37) Pre central gyrus: primary motor area
38) Central lateralization: Diff function on each hemisphere; categorical hemisphere; representational hemisphere
39) Brainstem: Diencephalon- midbrain- pons- medulla oblongata
40) Diencephalon- thalamus, hypothalamus, epithalamus
41) Cerebellum: white matter (arbor vitae), vermis, gyri(folia), purkinjie fibres(balance), deep nuclei, superior/inferior cerebellar peduncles
42) Alzheimer disease: memory loss, degenerate of the celebral gyrus, hippocampus
43) Parkinson’s disease: paralysis agitans, loss of motor function, degenerative substantia nigra (dopamine releasing cell)
44) Visceral reflex- detect- stretch, damage tissue, temperature, blood chemicals, internal stimuli
45) Autonomic reflex arc: Baroreceptors- through glossopharyngeal n. to medulla oblongata- vagus transmit s to the ganglion of hear – decrease heart rate etc.
46) Neural pathway of ANS: preganglionic neuron ( soma in brainstem, spinal cord), postganglionic neuron (soma in the ganglion to target cells)
47) Nerves exiting ganglia: spinal nerve route- sympathetic nerve root- splanchnic n. root (pass sympathetic & collateral ganglion)


Hope you find your dream girl soon!!!
GPA 4.0! See you soon! :D

Hahahahahaha! This song is the song you sang during your A STAR ceremony! I thought of you nodding your head on the stage. hahahaha.

1 comment:

Hiu Yeung said...

waoh lao eh hmmms ok lor i know i look damn cock but then kena forced one so no choice :P