Saturday, December 15, 2007


The traumatizing, exhausting, arduous week has finally come to an end. Life has never been so difficult as a student in my past 19 years of life. The expectation was just simply exorbitant. Our department should have expected us to be an extraordinary being or have expected us not to do very well. 4 exams in a row seem normal to a student who has already survived through his or her A levels exams. Yet, my experience now is so different from the past. Study break and tips are non-existence. The contents of the subjects are unimaginably extreme. How could our seniors have survived this great wave in seminar one? The difference lies in the one addition subject for us – Generic Anatomy (a compilation of things that one has to study in medicine school.)! This might be a factor that put us into a higher level of exhaustion and lead us to a point of collapse. Our accumulated tiredness throughout the months, adding on the stress this few weeks, our bodies have seriously reached a point of fatigue.

Yet, I am still in front of desk, reading through my textbook that is of 1209 pages; trying to memorize muscles, nerves, arteries, veins, fascia, joints that are of such great importance for us. The day to return home seems so near and yet so far.

Life recently has been sickening. My brain has not been concentrating for the past hours; I have been thinking a lot of things. Things that can get me out of this miserable week: to celebrate and get crazy with friends, to stroll on the beach with my family, swimming in Penang with my brother, to find a guy for me to love and lean on. Daddy said that I should blog when I am bored, when I am down; so here I am writing this, to get myself out of frustration. I am actually studying Functional Anatomy now, something that I enjoyed extremely; but now seems to be the wrong time. I simply need a break, a really long break, long enough to get myself out of the traumatized state.

Back to study. Do concentrate. I can’t afford to not do well for the subject I like. Am I expecting too much out of myself?

P.S. Broke my recording of sleeping time before exams. Stayed up for the night for Generic Anatomy Exam.(slept for 1.5 hrs)

One of my classmates noticed that there are tips for other departments taking the same subject; they decided to hold a referendum on the exam. Here is the details! :D

相信各位PT 的同學仔都知道Generic anatomy 的不公平事件(指只有RS 的同學得不到試前"練習"一事), 故此本人正打算向FHSS 提出投訴並希望得到各同學的簽名以作支持, 目的在於希望FHSS 能給予各參與Generic anatomy 考試的同學一個公平和合理的交代. 希望各位能於星期二考試後找我(Eddy) 簽上一個名子, 同時麻煩各位可以將這信息發放, 讓我們得到一個公平的考試。

Good luck for Functional Anatomy and Lab exam ahead!
Conquer our whole body!

Nicknames for MSN during exam period!



Open lab---只得番FA! 迪士尼 vs 28號海洋公園.

仲有1 科!!


spss~ 無時間了



拎得起 放得低

Mine @ this moment:
不计较成果,只求尽力而为,全心享受付出的过程,能够乐在其中!6 天后回家!好开心! 2 more papers to go!


elaine said...

fighting!!!You are the winner!

Hiu Yeung said...

What are you talking about?!

Hahaz finishing already la. My best record is 0 min of sleep before an exam. This round it was 45 mins.

'To find a guy to love and lean on'. hahahaha come back and look for your *ahem* la. Go back and swim some more.

Haha that's what dad told you huh. I blog when I am feeling xian or extremely xian too. It helps. That's why sometimes Tk read my blog until he *shudders*. Haha writing that thing is fun la, as long as there are people who read it :D