Friday, July 04, 2008

Day 3 @ placement

Experience is that marvelous thing that enables you recognize
a mistake when you make it again.

- F. P. Jones

This was one enlightening quote that I came across in my email today and I found this phrase exceptionally true after the 2.5 magnificent day at Prince of Wales Hospital. My two clinical educators (CE) were really out of my expectation. They are indeed experienced. They knew every single minor detail to be aware of in a clinical setting and they adapt to situations very well. Not only that they taught us important skills and gave us precious reminders, they taught us manners and the way to uphold our status in the hospital. In the midst of handling us, they need to take cases and it was definitely a tough time. Today was my Day 3 at Prince of Wales and it had indeed given me a very good start and most importantly, it gave me the definition of a good physiotherapist. Maybe, there are better and more impressive ones out there, but now, it is them that had sparkled my will to strive further in this career.

Practicals in school never seems to be practical out in the hospital. Our seniors had always been warning about us about that too. No doubt, I had learnt much more given the same amount of time spent. Things taught in the hospital were DETAILED and CONCISE and required us to have REASONINGs. Maybe, our school does the same but we are just too naive to take note of the real importance behind it.

On simple example was the way to teach a patient to use a walking aid. It sounded simple. It looked simple. We always thought it was something easy but we performed horribly. Two words - NO EXPERIENCE. We did not even know we are performing the wrong stuffs (reflected by the quote above). Maybe, school exists only to give us an introduction class and to teach us the simplest and most ideal way. It does not mean that the stuffs are in anyway useful or accurate. Well, our CEs always ask, "Do you know your stuffs? " or " You have learnt that stuffs before?". Well, we would laugh our way through these "rhetorical questions". Actually, our brains are not rusty, they are just too new and unbrushed.

To new Physio birdies:
This is how we teach a patient to stand from a chair, walk and sit down with an elbow crutches. Please do not underestimate the task.

1) Ask the patient to shift their butt to the front of the chair.
2) Place the crutches in the H shape.
3) Put the crutches slightly to the affected side, almost towards the front so as to facilitate the taking of crutches during standing.
4) Ask the patient to put the good leg slightly bent backwards.
5) Rmb to tell the patient to put weight on the good leg while standing up and not support the whole body through the crutches while standing to prevent the C.G from falling into the front -- making one unstable
6) Ask patient to lean forward and stand up

7) Check the 3 important signs while standing -- Sh elevation/depression, Elbow Flex to 20-30* , crutches are placed slightly a foot length away from the feet with one facing forward

8) Teach the patient the correct way to walk. Take note of the followings:
- Eyes face forward
- Crutches are slightly turned out at the forearm
- Crutches are grabbed and close to the body at the upper arm ( use your hand to tuck under the axilla and ask the patient to "squeeze your hand" as you walk to facilitate the most efiicient way of walking"
- Small steps initially with progression - rmb that affected leg can be taught how to swing forward too
- Always turn to your good side in a small circle!

Plus plus plus..... sitting down, walking down the stairs etc.etc.

We were told to do a presentation his coming Monday. It's really time for me to get back to the hardworking Hiu Yan.

For once, I learnt how to read the bed notes, SMARTLY. It was real delighting.

Different teams in the orthopaedic wards in PWH.
2) AJR - Adult joint replacement
3) Tumour
4) Medical

*** Time for revision. Physiology. Pathology. Electrophysical therapy. Anatomy. Rehabilitation protocols. Abbreviation. Case presentation. Clinical reasoning. :D
My timetable for the month!
With thanks to Billy. I think Daddy will like it... :)

Lovely photos of them are out!
Good memories that are worth recalling.
Gabriel and my dear senior, WingYan.
The former TMS SJAB -ians and the happily married couple.

They even set up a website on their own! How lovely. Wishing them long-lasting and see you in HK!

A simple girl's wish that came true.

A romantic that I loved followed by Muisc and lyrics.
27 Dresses.

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