Thursday, July 10, 2008

My First Cases :D

Date: 8/6/08 (Tue)

First time Hand-ons cases ever in my life
Case 01
60+ oldlady

HPI (history of present history):
"C" admission R TKR on 27/6
OT on 30/6 (Day 08 post-op)

PMHX: HT, minor stroke, L TKR 2006

Pre-morbid status: walking stick
E.T. (exercise tolerance): 10 mins up and down stairs

Case 02
30+ young man

A & E: 4/7/08
Curshed by elevator at work
Laceration over L R/F DP
Numbness+ over ulnar side 2DP> 10mm
DP shaft # seen with bone graft seen
Bruised tip of R/F operation 5/7/08

Intervention: OR + K-wire fixation, splinting by O.T.

Diagnosis L R/F D/P open #

Smoker (220/day)
Hx of ochitis/ eididymitis
IWD/increased BP/DM/COPD/asthma nil
Symptometic bradycardia

Case 03
10+ teenager

Diagnosis: Radial nere palsy after bone lengthening

Tinal's test of radial nerve: 10cm above the wrist crease
2PD: diminished light touch and protective sense over the dorsal surface of hand and forearm
Wrist extensor: Grade 0
Brachioradialis: Grade 1
Triceps: Grade 4

Case 04
18yrs old young boy

"C" admission on 12/6
Antero-lat R ankle p+ when walk upstairs
Hind foot significant valgus
SLS on R ankle - collapse of foot into valgus/ unstable
Clinically supple subtalar joint, forefoot pronation/supination supple
Ankle DF 20/ PF 40

Corrective osteotomy level II tibia
Divsion of fibula
External fixator tibia

Allergic rhinitis
Conjunctivitis (pink eye)
Neurofribomatosis Type I

Watched the treatment for Torticollis where babies screamed. + 1 new case & 1 old case.

Pm off.

I really like my CE (clinical educator) in the morning. He is funny and teaches well. :)
Afternoon seems to be a drag without him.


Hiu Yeung said...

woah did you write those notes? or you copy from people one?

HiuYan^^ said...

I take down the past history and op procedure from bed notes and I would need to do a cse report to the CE each time. I will then need to transfer it to the physio bed notes. The O/E (objective examination) and Rx (treatment)is purely by ourselves. :D

HiuYan^^ said...

I take down the past history and op procedure from bed notes and I would need to do a cse report to the CE each time. I will then need to transfer it to the physio bed notes. The O/E (objective examination) and Rx (treatment)is purely by ourselves. :D