Tuesday, September 13, 2005

POor Kitty

This is some crap stuffs from a crap website that might be useful for writing in essay...

Recent research, reported in The Scotsman and other news corporations, shows that the keeping of unmodified cats puts people at risk of a host of debilitating mental disorders:

US scientists have found evidence that cats really do drive people mad.

Researchers from Baltimore's Johns Hopkins University say their findings show keeping a furry pet can lead to schizophrenia, manic depression and even permanent brain damage.
(this is sth coming from my brother further university...hope he don't come up with such 'useful' findings in the years to come ;p)

Dr Robert Yolken and his colleague, Dr Fuller Torrey, who have conducted years of tests, believe a parasite found in cat faeces called toxoplasma gondii infects the human brain.

Worryingly, pregnant women who contract the parasite, can transmit it to the foetus, with devastating effects on brain development.

Adopted from: www.bonsaikitten.com

how can anyone do that to an animals? Treating the cat like a BArbie Doll... come on, I am not fighting for animal's rights, but it is really inhumane for us to do it. Some people might be right, animals do not have morality, they do things accourding to their innate nature, but by doing this ( putting the kitten in a plastic bottle and box and star at it for pleasure), does it shows that we have morality too? ...Crap their argument...what kind of logic is that...I don;t mine you eat them, or kill them straight, but just don't take away their freedom like walking around in an open space....

YaH....Thanks that we have such artistic people around....

P.S Definition of Schizophrenia

Any of a group of psychotic disorders usually characterized by withdrawal from reality, illogical patterns of thinking, delusions, and hallucinations, and accompanied in varying degrees by other emotional, behavioral, or intellectual disturbances. Schizophrenia is often associated with dopamine imbalances in the brain and defects of the frontal lobe and may have an underlying genetic cause.

A situation or condition that results from the coexistence of disparate or antagonistic qualities, identities, or activities: the national schizophrenia that results from carrying out an unpopular war.

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