Wednesday, October 29, 2008

End of mid-terms.

Finally, I finished my mid-term exams! Today's cardiopulmonary practical went quite well except for a minor part in my last station on 6 mins walk functional test.

CP practical exams
Station 01: Interpretation of a Chest X-ray
- mine was a pleural effusion with opacity all over the left lung up to the 6th ribs.
Station 02: Postural drainage (PD) plus percussion and vibration
- PD to the left lateral basal segment of the lung
Station 03: 6 mins walk test on a COPD patient on a nasal cannula

It was not all perfect but it had met up to my expectation. Thanks for all the Good Luck I had yesterday, it had, in some way, boost my confident.

Somehow, I had been devastated by my grade 2 days ago. It reminded me of the days where I can be top in Biology class as well as failing very badly for it. My teacher had always been very worried for my fluctuating grades. I was too, really frustrated about myself, but often, I found little that I can do about it. I have been able to refrain from this habit of mine in my first year of university, however, this phenomenon had been back to haunt me in this very first written exam of mine. Often, I doubt myself from the things I do. I can be very blur in lots of areas in my life; my brother, parents and close friends of mine should know it quite well. Yet, I do not know the reason for having myself looking smart. Does it goes back to the question of relativity?

Friends around me in HK had always expected me to do well, they always had the mindset that my idea of "badly done" is at least a B. Oh well, I screwed my test this round. Even the least attentive person in class can get an A (I dun care whatever undesirable means that they take to do it:P), I can only say that I had bad luck cum memory deficit cum carelessness. Yet, I believe that everything happen for a reason. A sign for me not to get too complacent and to continue to strive. To teach me to accept times like this. Actually, it's just a minor thing that can happen in life and there is nothing to be too upset about. Most importantly, I felt the love in the world, the encouragement of everyone of you all there which gave me the motivation to live and work hard in my life. Jia you to me and all of you too!!!

Looking forward to the adventure camp this weekend! Gotta start working on our presentation too!

蕭亞軒 - 衝動
Gotta listen to this song over Angel's blog.
Really nice! Somehow it stirs my thoughts. :P

一天一天貼近你的心 你開心 我關心
一點一滴我都能感應 你是我 最美的相信

Really sweet and touching.

Being brave and happy in life.

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