Sometimes, I feel that it is interesting to sit down and reflect on the way we think. While most of the times, we will be wondering why we are thinking this way. It’s strange. Why? Our environment, the culture we are exposed to or even our genes, affects us. Hmm. Read the following extract. It makes the world more complex. It made me more sophisticated. At least, it proves that I am grown up. Yet, I like to remain childish. Confused mind. End off
A Simple Wisdom:
the possibility of being wrong
by Stephen B. Waters
Sometimes, even when you think you are right, you are not.You think you're right, not because you are right, but simply because you think you're right
For who has ever considered himself lacking in sense?
That would be a self-contradictory proposition. Lack of sense is a disease that never exists when it is seen; it is most tenacious and strong, yet the first glance from the patient's eye pierces it through and disperses it, as a dense mist is dispersed by the sun's beams.
There never was a street-porter or silly woman who was not sure of having as much sense as was necessary. We readily recognize in others a superiority in courage, physical strength, experience, agility, or beauty. But a superior judgment we concede to nobody. And we think that we could ourselves have discovered the reasons which occur naturally to others, if only we had looked in the same direction.
You need to be right, because your best future depends on it. You plan your future according to the map of reality you carry in your mind. You need that map as accurate as can be. You depend on it.So how do you know when you are wrong? That's what friends are for. That's why people converse. That's why we write things. Writing freezes each thought for further scrutiny from any side. In the light of a new morning, we see if our ideas make the same sense they seemed to make the night before
If one learns from others but does not think, one will be bewildered. If, on the other hand, one thinks but does not learn from others, one will be in peril.
[Confucius]I'll run to the truth and embrace it as soon as I see it coming.
[Montaigne]Make this simple wisdom your own or the real driving force to learn is missing
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