Wednesday, January 30, 2008

I noticed I have not been blogging for almost 2 weeks. Blame it on my Magee textbook (Orthopedic Physical Assessment) and the Tudou website which provides me with an unlimited supplies of movies. Life back here is always as hectic as ever. There is no absolute moments for me to sit down and actually think and reflect. Once I sit down, I would feel the sense of exhaustion rushing into me and I would fall alseep; maybe not physically but definitely mentally.

Everytime I sit down at my desk, I am in front of my computer, my files, my notes, my textbook. Automatically, I will switch on the lab-top, check my emails, reply emails, roam around for unimportant stuffs, read blogs, check on my friends on MSN. After that, I would feel guilty for wasting so much time and I would start digging out my notes and textbooks. It would take me around 10 minutes to stare at the materials before I begin to comprehend and digest the content. This happens like almost everyday regardless of the time I return to hostel. This will usually end with my room mate initially to go to sleep - around 0130- 0200 midnight.

Often, my night times are delicated to STAR - Sports Training and Rehabitation, Pilates and other workshops like Kick boxing or lift- weighting. This allows me to add values, happinness but also exhaustion in life. :P

One interesting thing to note about me: My goal to become a Pilates instructor has finally begun! I have took up a workshop for this month and in the coming month, I would be practising MAT I Pilates class at Asian Academy for Sports & Fitness Professionals (亞洲運動及體適能專業學院)! Yesterday,I went all the way to Hong Kong island for registration and it costs me HK550 for 5 lessons! Bite me. My dream to Korea skiing rink next year would be shattered. One for one. That's life. My other aim is to do well this semester and get a scholarship.

I have always promised Daddy to introduce to him the things I am studying now. So here they are... ...

On RS278 Human Development across lifespan
It's about our development physchologically, functionally, cognitiviely from the day of birth to the day we die.

In our first lesson, we learnt about the various theories of lifespan and child development. Under different types of domain, they have different types of theories and they guide us in finding out the faults in our development as a whole.

Biophysical Domain: Maturation, Dynamic System Theories
Psychological Domain: Erickson's, Piaget's Theory
Sociocultural Domain: Social learning theory and Behaviorism
Classical vs Opereant Conditioning.
etc. etc.

The most interesting part is learning about babies reflexes! We are given babies toys in class and shown thousands of videoes on baby reflexes and behaviour! Thanks to our lecturer Marco which took on a project and compiled the videoes last year. :D

I shall write on the other subjects at a later time when photos and vidoes can be uploaded onto my blog. (there're some problems currently)

Little infomation on
Core Muscle... ...
Our core is composed of three muscle regions on your body:

1) abdominal
2) pelvic
3) lower back

Basically, your core is any muscle located between your pelvis and the base of your ribcage. These muscles work together to support your spine. When you strengthen your core, you gain greater balance and stability. All people, from athletes to grandparents, stand to benefit from maintaining a strong core.


Some simple videoes on increasing on core strength!

It would be tiring but it's good for posture! :D

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