Tuesday, January 01, 2008

On Physio salary.


本人於05年 閣下參選特首時,向 閣下提出:



沙士期間威爾斯醫院胸肺科治療師,病房物理治療醫師及深切治療部物 理治療醫師,冒死穩守崗位成為香港默默耕耘,但不為人知的醫師。回歸十年期間,香港曾經歷經濟下滑,物理治療醫師亦支持政府減薪。

但 閣下知否:物理治療醫師達到學位水平已經十年了,但其薪酬仍然停留在14點 (未達大學學位薪級),真是同「醫」不同命-----政府帶頭歧視物理治療醫 師!如果香港再有沙士,夠膽而有能力在醫院病房及深切治療部替病人清肺 救命的,相信仍然只有物理治療醫師!


今天政府沒有把物理治療師回復應有的大學學位薪級,必定大大打擊物 理治療醫師的士氣,陰乾物理治療的發展,損害香港市民利益,這樣的薪酬待遇,相信連本平機會也認為不公平! 請立即還我們學位薪級入職點。


香港物理治療學會 劉慕儀會長

各物理治療部門 黃燦鴻第二屆選委

This is a letter from the Hong Kong Physiotherapy union addressed to Chief executive of Hong Kong, Donald Tsang, on the low salary for physiotherapists in Hong Kong. Someone was there to actually protest and voice it out! How about Singapore? Is the government aware of the lack of resources here in our healthcare system? I assume they do but are they pumping in enough money for it? I doubt so. Political issues might lie in the way; I really didn't do much research on that. Maybe, this serves as a start for me to dig into the problem.

The only institution that is offering Physiotherapy in Singapore is opening up 40 more spaces (from 40 to 80) in the following year. I am really sceptical about their preparation to accommodate for the increasing number of students. Being studied there for a few months, I realised that NYP faced a problem in the lack of resources. School, in my opinion, is most important to guide us on what we should learn; not just to teach. Lacking of good professors and equipments might disinterest students and put it in a possible of not being capable of sparking off interests for students that didn’t choose Physiotherapy as their “first choice”. Physiotherapy is such a high demand course that require huge amount of concentration and passion. One must possess great interest to soar high in this field. Be smart. Be creative. Explore. That’s make us all.

Back to the point about salary pay, if the starting pay for physiotherapists in HK hospital authority is SG3800 and SG10-15k for senior physiotherapists and they are complaining and protesting about it, how about Singapore? The cost of living in both countries are nearly the same, I seriously need an explanation for this huge difference.
“It goes the same for all” “Hong Kong is a money-making place.” Really? Why are there so many HK physiotherapists in Singapore? They prefer the better environment here? They love this place?

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